Digital Humanism and Applied Humanities

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Technology should help humans in their endeavors by automating and speeding up boring tasks, not force them to do things in a way they do not want to. So when is it helpful to use digital tech?

Humans have always been tool-users and science has long researched why, how and when a certain tool was beneficial to societies. So it is worth a look to find similarities with our current situation.

When we know the what, why and when of tech usage it is necessary to look at how. Guides show the tool box of what's available and how to deploy it in a way that offers oversight for individual users.


Welcome to the Digital Humanism & Applied Humanities Project! We are helping People navigate the Digital Future with Humanities in Theory and Practice!

This project is the cumulation of experiences we have made since 2006 when observing fellow humans struggle with the pervasive digital realities some of us have created for all. Much like with the advent of the printing press, the shock waves go far beyond what was expected or imagined. Then as now people find out that - much as a troyan horse - digital technologies have now found their way in many parts of their on- and offline lives without them wanting, realising - and more crucially - being able to control it. That said, the agency to make informed decisions and know the

benefits and pitfalls of technology is crucial not only for the individual but also for a free and democratic society. The three areas allow users to get practical guides and information, theoretical background and tools for acting on their decisions on how to navigate various aspects of their every-day-lives. In our mission we are not alone but supported by a lot of groups both from the humanities and tech-backgrounds, that have long pointed out the consequences. So a big thank you to all the thinkers, hacker and tinkers! You can find our partners here.